srijeda, 25. veljače 2015.


  • The eye is the window to the universe, and some would say they are also windows to the soul.. We have heard this phrase get passed around before: “The eyes are the windows of the soul”. People usually say this when they can see pain, anger, or some other emotion in somebody else’s eyes. But recent research gives a whole new meaning to this phrase. Eyes not only windows to emotions, they are windows to the soul. 

  • How? The answer has to do with the actual eyeball itself. Everyone has a different structure of lines, dots and colours within the iris of their eye. Some people may have similar eye colour to each other, but the lines and dots on the iris are as unique as a fingerprint. 

  • What they found 

  • Their findings showed those with denselypacked crypts are more warmhearted, tender, trusting, and likely to sympathise with others. In comparison, those with more contraction furrows were more neurotic, impulsive and likely to give way to cravings. 

  • It’s crazy to think how the markings on a person’s eyeball can reveal the most deep-rooted character traits of an individual. 

  • Eye colour reveals even more 

  • According to researchers at Pittsburgh University, women with lighter colored eyes experience less pain during childbirth compared to women with darker eyes. People with lighter eyes also consume significantly more alcohol, as darker eyed people require less alcohol to become intoxicated. 

  • The reason boils down to genes. A senior lecturer in biomolecular sciences at Liverpool John Moores University said, “What we know now is that eye color is based on 12 to 13 individual variations in people’s genes… These genes do other things in the body.” 

  • Take melanin,the pigment that makes eyes darker. Melanin may also makes people more susceptible to alcohol. When psychologists at Georgia State University in Atlanta surveyed more than 12,000 men and women, they found those with light eyes consumed significantly more alcohol than those with dark eyes. The reason brown-eyed people may drink less – and also be less likely to be alcoholics – is because they need less alcohol to become intoxicated. 

  • Melanin not only determines eye darkness, it’s also an insulator for the electrical connections between brain cells. The more melanin in the brain, the more efficiently, sensitively and faster the brain can work, the researchers reported in the journal Personality and Individual Differences. So the chemical responsible for eye darkness is also responsible for brain efficiency. 

  • Eyes are literally the windows to the inner most aspects of our personality and character traits. If you look into someones eyes, you can easily tell if they are scared, sad, or worn down inside. But if you look even closer, you will also be able to see what kind of psychology and personality that person has. Eyes are literally a window into people’s souls. 

  • Article source: 

  • Inspired by an article seen on The Daily Mail 
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