srijeda, 25. veljače 2015.


  • The eye is the window to the universe, and some would say they are also windows to the soul.. We have heard this phrase get passed around before: “The eyes are the windows of the soul”. People usually say this when they can see pain, anger, or some other emotion in somebody else’s eyes. But recent research gives a whole new meaning to this phrase. Eyes not only windows to emotions, they are windows to the soul. 

  • How? The answer has to do with the actual eyeball itself. Everyone has a different structure of lines, dots and colours within the iris of their eye. Some people may have similar eye colour to each other, but the lines and dots on the iris are as unique as a fingerprint. 

  • What they found 

  • Their findings showed those with denselypacked crypts are more warmhearted, tender, trusting, and likely to sympathise with others. In comparison, those with more contraction furrows were more neurotic, impulsive and likely to give way to cravings. 

  • It’s crazy to think how the markings on a person’s eyeball can reveal the most deep-rooted character traits of an individual. 

  • Eye colour reveals even more 

  • According to researchers at Pittsburgh University, women with lighter colored eyes experience less pain during childbirth compared to women with darker eyes. People with lighter eyes also consume significantly more alcohol, as darker eyed people require less alcohol to become intoxicated. 

  • The reason boils down to genes. A senior lecturer in biomolecular sciences at Liverpool John Moores University said, “What we know now is that eye color is based on 12 to 13 individual variations in people’s genes… These genes do other things in the body.” 

  • Take melanin,the pigment that makes eyes darker. Melanin may also makes people more susceptible to alcohol. When psychologists at Georgia State University in Atlanta surveyed more than 12,000 men and women, they found those with light eyes consumed significantly more alcohol than those with dark eyes. The reason brown-eyed people may drink less – and also be less likely to be alcoholics – is because they need less alcohol to become intoxicated. 

  • Melanin not only determines eye darkness, it’s also an insulator for the electrical connections between brain cells. The more melanin in the brain, the more efficiently, sensitively and faster the brain can work, the researchers reported in the journal Personality and Individual Differences. So the chemical responsible for eye darkness is also responsible for brain efficiency. 

  • Eyes are literally the windows to the inner most aspects of our personality and character traits. If you look into someones eyes, you can easily tell if they are scared, sad, or worn down inside. But if you look even closer, you will also be able to see what kind of psychology and personality that person has. Eyes are literally a window into people’s souls. 

  • Article source: 

  • Inspired by an article seen on The Daily Mail 
google.com, pub-6797546459868989, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

utorak, 10. veljače 2015.


To have a great life, we must be mindful of the language that we choose to use. The Law of Attraction states that you will receive what you are thinking about.  Because your speech is a reflection of your thoughts, what you say can heavily influence what the Law of Attraction brings to you.

And of course, continuously complaining also obstructs our ability to be happy and productive.  It keeps us trapped in the same energy we are complaining about.

Complaints are result of thinking about the unwanted. As we complain, we send a message that we are focused strongly on what we don’t want. 

 In other words, complaints take an already low vibration and push it even lower; they “up the ante” of the negative thought because now you aren’t just thinking about the problem once, but you are harping on it by bringing it up again and again in conversation.

Though all complaints affect your vibration negatively, there are some complaints that are so commonplace that for many of us they have become a sort of negative daily mantra. Unfortunately, repeatedly complaining about the same thing results in having to experience it time and again! It becomes a never-ending cycle: we complain, the universe gives us more to complain about, and then we complain again.  Fortunately, if we stop complaining, then the cycle can be broken.
Here are a few of these common complaints in society today. These complaints are so common that we can be easily seduced into repeating them over and over again, so they are especially important to avoid saying (even if they are true!):

1) I have a headache/migraine

2) My stomach hurts

3) I’m hungry

4) I hate my job

5) This weather sucks

6) Traffic was awful/I was stuck in traffic

7) I’m stressed

8) People have no manners today

9) Chivalry is dead

10) All the good men are taken

11) I’m sick/I don’t feel good

12) She is such a b****

13) My boss is a jerk

14) I’m so fat/bloated

15) Men are jerks

16) I hate him/her

17) Kids these days are so ______

18) I’m tired/exhausted/I didn’t get enough sleep

19) It’s too hot/too cold/I’m freezing

20) I’m bored

Again, while all complaints lower your vibration, common complaints can be especially dangerous.  Since we hear these complaints often from others, they can easily roll off the tongue and become statements that we repeatedly use.  Sometimes, we will even use them to start conversations simply because we are bored.  The more that we think about and complain about something, the more that the Law of Attraction will bring us that problem that we are complaining about.  Therefore, to raise your vibration and use the Law of Attraction effectively, it is wise to avoid these complaints.

By choosing not to complain about our problems we send a message to the universe that we expect them to be resolved. With expectation comes manifestation, so by demonstrating to the universe that we expect our problems to be insignificant and easy to resolve, they will become so!

For reality to manifest the way that we want it to, we must tell our story the way we want it to be.  If what you are saying isn’t the way you want things to be, you can choose to stop talking about it.  Stick to telling people about the good stuff. When you tell a better story you’ll have a better life!

google.com, pub-6797546459868989, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

subota, 7. veljače 2015.


Black and White... Light and Dark 
Magic and Good Luck... and Dark Night of The Soul

Merlinite is a stone of duality... of black and white... and light and dark. This is a stone that attracts powerful magic and good luck into your life... and it may also take you to places where you make contact with the deeper, darker parts of yourself.
The vibration of this stone is very shamanistic... as it allows you to access the energy of the natural world and communicate with elementals.
It is said to conjure the memories of alchemists and wizards... such as the wizard Merlin from Arthurian times. It is a stone that stimulates deep intuition, psychic knowing and spiritual mediumship.

It a stone of harmony that aids the birth of creativity and clear psychic visions, and it will aid you to access higher spiritual energy... and to make contact with guides and teachers in the higher realms. But it is not only a stone for the light... as it may allow you to experience 'dark night of the soul' aspects of your higher-self.

Where Does It Come From

This stone currently comes from only one mine in New Mexico, and this is a trade name for a specific variety of stone that comes from this one mine. It is a variety of Dendritic Opal... and sometimes has an opalescent sheen. It may contain a blend of white chalcedony or white quartz, black dendritic inclusions and black Psilomelane... depending on the individual stone.
Please Note: This is not the same stone that they are calling Mystic Merlinite. Mystic Merlinite is a different stone altogether from the stone that I am talking about here.

Merlinite is black and white... although its black color ranges from dark grey to bluish-black. The black may be Psilomelane or Romanechite... or it may be Black Dendritic inclusions within the stone. These dendritic inclusions resemble a leafy plant... similar to a fern and are easy to spot. The Psilomelane is a black mineral that is a manganese oxide.

Why Would You Use Merlinite

This beautiful stone has a vibration that helps to promote spiritual growth. It blends heavenly and earthly energy... and it helps you to remain open and approachable. It assists you to embrace things that happen, that are different to your normal way of living your life.
Merlinite is a strong spiritual stone with the vibration of duality. It will help you to balance the masculine and feminine energy within yourself... and to better understand the aspects of God and the Goddess. These stones are helpful to use to aid your spiritual growth... as they allow spirit teachers to come through to this plane to work with you.

It's energy will allow you to access the spirit world... and it is known to aid the development of mediumistic abilities. These crystals encourage you to make contact with the spirit of those on the other side of the veil... to access the Akashic records, and to bring messages back for living relatives.
These stones are particularly useful to use to boost the energy of other stones of a lower vibration. Merlinite resonates strongly within the third eye chakra... and is known to stimulate psychic knowingautomatic writing and clear psychic visions or clairvoyance.

How To Use It

Merlinite is easy to buy... and this is a stone that aids travel out of the body and vision quests of a shamanistic nature. It may take you to specific location and to visit specific people there. This crystal was named after the wizard Merlin... because of its specific attributes to attract magical and mystical experiences into your life.

Merlinite will allow you to take journeys to past lives in the times when Merlin and King Arthur lived.
If you sleep with one of these stones under your pillow... you may find that you have more restful sleep.
You may also experience vivid dreams of past lives... especially those you experienced in the Arthurian times.
Note: You need to specifically direct your journey for it to be successful. If you wish to get you to where you want to go... simply hoping for the best will not make you succeed. It takes specific in-depth working with this stone for this type of journey to be successful. Make sure you keep psychic protection stones on you while you are doing this work.

How Will It Help You

These stones are dualistic in nature... and may take you on a journey to the deeper and darker aspects of yourself. As they help you to have a more approachable outlook... this may aid you to handle the experience... and learn to use the lower energies to balance yourself as you integrate them into total being.
Fortunately Merlinite stones will aid you to master yourself... and to remain objective. The dark night of the soul experiences that this stone evokes may be vivid and quite graphic.
Using the knowledge of both light and dark to bring total understanding of who you are, is the source of enlightenment.
They are powerful stones to aid investigation of past lives... and in particular will encourage you to experience old unhappy past life memories.
This is important as sometimes what you experience can show you images that may be negative and very disturbing. The quite amazing images that these stone has the potential to allow you to bring through... are not always easy to experience, but as they also increase the occurrence of coincidences and synchronicity, this could help you to work out the meaning of what you see.
By keeping in mind the end result, and helping your higher self to let go of karmic situations... they are potent tools for learning more about your purpose in this life. Once you have cleared the accumulated negativity, use them regularly to keep yourself clear.

If they can be used with a positive frame of mind, they may allow you to clear negativity and rid yourself of deep past life problems and karma that you have been unable to release any other way.
Merlinite jewelry is lovely to look and powerful to wear. Be aware that some pieces of jewelry made from this stone may be sold as Dendritic quartz or Dendritic opal, as these are names that this stone is known as.
By wearing Sagittarius birthstone jewelry made from this stone, this will help you to benefit from this vibration on a day to day basis.

This stones energy vibrates strongly within the sacral or navel chakra. This is the area of teh body where you can develop the gifts of clairsentience or clear seeing and where you can help to create stronger intuitive gifts.
Working within the solar plexus or power chakra, it helps to stimulate your creativity and it will aid you to access higher spiritual energy, and they help you to develop an open and approachable way of seeing life.
Merlinite or Dendritic Opal stones may attract magic and good luck into your life... but it may also take you to places where you make contact with the darker aspects of yourself.
It may take you on a voyage to the dark night of the soul... and allow you to understand the darker aspects of your soul-self... and specific past life experiences.
These are positive stones to aid you toenhance your creativity... and they will boost your organizational abilities. It stimulates your intuition, psychic knowing, and spiritual mediumship, and it will balance the masculine and feminine energy within yourself... and to better understand the aspects of the duality of God and the Goddess.

četvrtak, 5. veljače 2015.


Mesec je nebesko telo najbliže Zemlji i zato je njegov uticaj na nas najsnažniji. Svi znamo da utiče na plimu i oseku, a pomislite šta tek čini ljudskom organizmu koji sadrži 72 odsto vode.

Mesec ima najjači uticaj kad je u fazi, odnosno kada je mlad ili pun. Pun Mesec predstavlja astrološku opoziciju Sunca i Meseca, odnosno period kada Mesec prima najviše svetlosti od Sunca.
Tada možete videti Mesec kako blista na noćnom nebu u punom sjaju. Ta svetlost je čista energija.
Iako će zbog svoje snage na zdravstvenom planu napraviti disbalans i mnogima doneti nesanicu, za finansije je ta energija dragocena.
Najednostavniji ritual jeste da uzmete novčanicu (po mogućstvu crvenu) i njome mašete prema Mesecu i zamišljate kako vam se novac umnožava.
Tu novčanicu onda ostavite u novčanik da prenoći a idući dan potrošite – prenosi Lisa.rs.
Slično ovome, kada je Mesec u fazi opadanja (nekoliko dana nakon uštapa) gledajte u Mesec i razmišljajte o tome kako vaši problemi nestaju, opadaju.