nedjelja, 30. studenoga 2014.

Cancer Survivor Shared The Recipe That Saved Her Life

A woman, whose name was not published, lives in Bosnia and Herzegovina. She shared this recipe in order to help patients around the world who suffer from this nasty disease.
The recipe is easily prepared and you need only two ingredients – ginger and honey. The Bosnian woman claims this recipe brought her back to life. She suffered from cancer of the endocrine glands and because of this she was connected to machines for 3 weeks. However, she managed to heal herself without chemotherapy and operation, thanks to this medicine.

You are going to need two large ginger roots in order to prepare this remedy. Clean the ginger roots and grind them into very small pieces. Mix the chopped ginger with half a kilo of honey.
Put this mixture in a jar and eat four teaspoons during the whole day. The most important thing is to use a plastic or ceramic spoon, never use metal spoon.
The first signs of improvement are noticeable after three days.

subota, 29. studenoga 2014.

The Baking Soda Formula for Cancer

To make the baking soda natural cancer remedy at home, you need maple syrup, molasses or honey to go along with the baking soda. 

In Dr. Sircus’ book, he documented how one patient used baking soda and blackstrap molasses to fight the prostate cancer that had metastasized to his bones. On the first day, the patient mixed 1 teaspoon of baking soda with 1 teaspoon of molasses in a cup of water. 

He took this for another 3 days after which his saliva pH read 7.0 and his urine pH read 7.5. 

Encouraged by these results, the patient took the solution 2 times on day 5 instead of once daily. And from day 6 – 10, he took 2 teaspoons each of baking soda and molasses twice daily. 

By the 10th day, the patient’s pH had risen to 8.5 and the only side effects experienced were headaches and night sweat (similar to cesium therapy). 

The next day, the patient had a bone scan and too other medical tests. His results showed that his PSA (prostate-specific antigen, the protein used to determine the severity of prostate enlargement and prostate cancer) level was down from 22.3 at the point of diagnosis to 0.1. 

Another baking soda formula recommends mixing 90 teaspoons of maple syrup with 30 teaspoons of baking soda. 

To do this, the maple syrup must be heated to become less viscous. Then the baking syrup is added and stirred for 5 minutes until it is fully dissolved. 

This preparation should provide about 10-day worth of the baking soda remedy. 5 – 7 teaspoons per day is the recommended dose for cancer patients. 

Care should be taken when using the baking soda remedy to treat cancer. This is because sustaining a high pH level can itself cause metabolic alkalosis and electrolyte imbalance. These can result in edema and also affect the heart and blood pressure. 

Ideally, you should consult a doctor before adopting the baking soda solution. An oncologist with a knowledge of this cure would be most helpful. 

Article sources: 


This Is What Happens When You Drink Water Right After You Get Out Of Bed

Drinking water when waking has been linked to curing and prevention of certain disease and ailments such as headaches, body aches, arthritis, heart problems, epilepsy, obesity, tuberculosis, meningitis, kidney disease, vomiting, gastritis, diabetes, constipation, uterine disease, ear and throat disease.
The Method:
  1. Upon waking, before doing anything else, drink four 6 ounce glasses or water. Remember if there is some reason you cannot hold this much water at one time, start with as much as you can and increase the amount.
  2. Brush your teeth and perform your morning oral hygiene routine, and then wait 45 minutes before eating or drinking anything.
After the 45 minutes is up, eat breakfast as usual, and then do not eat or drink anything for 2 hours.
Specific diseases
If using the above method, the research shows that the number of days the regimen must be followed to cure each disease.
High blood Pressure- 30 days
Gastric Problems- 10 days
Diabetes- 30 days
Constipation- 10 days
Cancer-180 days
Using this treatment method has no side effects other than increased urination at the beginning of the program. Drinking water and staying healthy and active are the ways that will better our lives.
Both the Chinese and Japanese drink hot tea with their meals instead of cold water. Cold water slows down the digestive process and solidifies the oily foods you have just eaten. Once these solidified oils react with the stomach acid, it is absorbed more quickly by the intestine and lines the intestinal wall. The long-term accumulation of these digested oils can lead to cancer. Perhaps Western cultures should adopt this practice as there is everything to gain and nothing to lose.

petak, 28. studenoga 2014.


Pay attention to whom you share your intimate energy with. Intimacy at this level intertwines your aural energy with the aural energy of the other person. These powerful connections, regardless of how insignificant you think they are, leave spiritual debris, particularly within people who do not practice any type of cleansing, physical, emotional or otherwise. The more you interact intimately with someone, the deeper the connection and the more of their aura is intertwined with yours. Imagine the confused aura of someone who sleeps with multiple people and carries around these multiple energies? What they may not realize is that others can feel that energy which can repel positive energy and attract negative energy into your life.
I always say, never sleep with someone you wouldn’t want to be” - Lisa Chase Patterson
I believe the original author of the above passage is Lisa Chase Patterson. How she described the intimate nature of exchanging energy with another during sex is something that I’ve been lecturing friends about for years. It was nice to see someone else discussing it as well.
We are all physical beings, but we are also so much more than that, including ‘energetic beings’. When you get intimate with anyone you merge with their energy. It doesn’t matter if it is OBE (astral) sex, physical sex, or oral sex — anytime you are intimate with another person (or people) you absorb some of their energy and they absorb some of your energy.
If you have sex with positive, loving, uplifting people – that wonderful energy is absorbed and uplifts you. If you have sex with negative, pessimistic, unstable, depressive people – that energy will have you crashing down and uninterested in day-to-day life. (Among other ways. We are all unique after all) Keep in mind that if this person sleeps with a variety of people, they absorb their energy. A married man or woman has absorbed their spouses energy and will mix it with your energy if you are the other man or woman. It’s vice versa.
So the next time you jump into bed with someone or want to hook up for OBE sex – keep in mind that unless they cleanse their energy on a regular basis, you will be getting intimate with whomever they have been intimate with.
Oh, and just so you know, this isn’t a new discovery. Christians often call this connection ‘Soul ties’. It is also widely discussed in the study of Tantric Sex.
As we accumulate unwanted energies in daily life, regular aura cleansing supports health and well-being. Like psychic dust bunnies, we go around collecting debris on our aura, until we finally do something to cleanse it…
It is the same with personal hygiene. If you do not bathe, your body will become dirtier and dirtier. Gradually the smell becomes unbearable. Eventually, your body even becomes a breeding ground for disease and bacteria. If you do not cleanse your aura, your spiritual energy system will also become ‘dirtier and dirtier’. Eventually you become unpleasant for others to be around (though they may not consciously understand why). Your energy system then begins to attract lower vibrations which are also unhealthy for you and others.
In modern culture, we expect people to take care of their personal hygiene by bathing regularly, if not daily. But we are not yet so spiritually evolved!
Cleansing your Aura
Just like washing your hands cleans one part of your body and washing your face takes care of another… different approaches to aura cleansing will support you in clearing different aspects of your energy system. Some aura clearing approaches are more lightweight–in terms of personal hygiene– like changing your clothes, or putting on deodorant. They are still useful, but they can’t replace bathing! Other methods of aura cleansing go much deeper–equivalent to having a good scrub-down, or going for a detoxifying spa treatment.
Options for Cleansing…
Bathing with Epsom Salts
Water helps wash away dirt, both physically and energetically. Adding Epsom Salts to your bath stimulates the flow of your own energy and also draws minor psychic debris out of your aura.
Submerging yourself in water helps cleanse your aura. As ocean water contains salt and minerals, it is especially useful for drawing minor psychic debris out of your aura.
Gentle exposure to sunlight stimulates the flow of your own energy. Some lower vibrations cannot exist with exposure to bright light.
1. Aura Meditation
Even basic meditation helps you relax and release. Aura meditation works directly with releasing unwanted energies through grounding, clearing your aura, energy channels and chakras. One of the most powerful ways to cleanse and care for your aura is energy-based aura meditation.
2. Aura Healings
In an aura healing, the healer supports you in cleansing unwanted energies out of your system. The healer assists you in grounding out psychic debris, releasing blocks and helps you get your own energy flowing. If you’d like to find out more about Aura Healing, I highly recommend you research Reiki. If you’d like to experience it yourself, I recommend you look for a Reiki healer in your area)
3. Aura Readings
Often we confuse other people’s energy with our own energy. When we mistake foreign energy for our own, we do not want to release it. We hold on to it because we think it is us! In a clairvoyant aura reading, a reader can help you identify your own energy and discern foreign energy. When you recognize an energy is not you, it is much easier to release.
4. Feeling your Emotions
When your emotional energy is blocked, it creates congestion and back-up throughout your spiritual energy system. This makes it easy to get stuck with unwanted energies. Allowing yourself to feel hidden emotions creates a release of energy. This movement and flow supports you in cleansing psychic debris.
Other Options for Aura Cleansing…
Standing with an open body posture in a strong wind supports you in releasing unwanted energies. As sea breezes contain moisture, salt and minerals, ocean winds are especially beneficial for aura cleansing.
Gardening or Being in Nature
Through gardening and being in Nature, you come in direct contact with the earth. This helps you get grounded and release unwanted energies out of your system.
Creating something you’re enthusiastic about gives you a ‘creative high’. These surges of creative energy stimulate the flow of your own energy and support you in releasing blocks and unwanted energies.

Here is the source of the information on Aural Cleaning. If you’d like to find out more about aura healing, energy healing, and distant healing, I highly recommend you check out the rest of the website: Aura Cleansing and more

srijeda, 5. studenoga 2014.


Sve su češće teme o tzv. dijetama. Pitamo se što li one uopće znače?

Najprirodniji način dijete je biti zaljubljen i voljeti, biti apsolutno prihvaćen od strane voljenog bića, biti njegov dar životu ujutro kad se budimo i uvečer kad idemo na počinak, znajući da smo podijelili život s osobom kojoj život značimo. To nas čini uravnoteženima i život uravnoteženog čovjeka je i uravnotežena ishrana, gdje nema potrebe guranja hrane u tijelo koje je već sito. Doručak, ručak i večera. 3 obroka. I u pauzama život i pokoji snack kojeg ćemo uzeti da bismo  zaustavili vrijeme do punog obroka. Život bez poroka, alkohola i cigareta, koji debljaju i mršave u isto vrijeme, alkohol debljajući, a "cigare" upumpavajući otrove u naš organizam, isisavajući svu našu životnu energiju, a s njom i želju da se pravilno hranimo.
Bila je to prva stvar koju sam uočila prestajući da pušim,... Punoću okusa. Bogatstvo mirisa i boja. I s time i pojačanu glad, da isprobam baš sve, što mi se u tom trenu učinilo ukusnim.
Bogati domjenci i savršeno posloženi tanjuri, gdje je svaki okus imao svoju malenu čašicu, koja je bila predznak svog mogućeg hedonizma izazvanog tim okusom. Svaka mili sekunda čistog uživanja i spremanja hrane kojoj sam posvetila svoje novo otkriće ljubavi, za hranom i u hrani. Ljubavi prema sebi....
Ljubav voljenog bića .... i ljubav prema sebi, dvije su komplementarne, mada potpuno različite stvari.
Simbioza misli i osjećaja, ona koja dovodi do ravnoteže, i isto tako do neravnoteže.
Kazna i nagrada. Hrana.
Nadomjestak osjećaja. Hrana.
Savršenstvo odnosa. Naposljetku, hrana.

Gledam, sve te "fancy" face koje cirkuliraju ultra mršavima, pomalo nervozni, gubeći živce i na najmanju moguću sitnicu. Urokavanje alkoholom i extra doza cigareta, da ne pričamo o anestetiziranju raznim mogućim pomagalima, koja odvode od ideje da uopće pomislimo na hranu.
I naposljetku mučenje u teretani!
Da. I to je tema. Još i na svu tu silnu glad i neljubav prema sebi, treba još i izdržati, znojeći se na raznim spravama, nadajući se nagradi... Nagradi pogleda savršenih tijela, koja će biti nesretna jer nisu bila hranjena.
Gdje je tu ljubav prema sebi????
Pitamo se.
Ona je tamo gdje započinje zdrav odnos između dvoje ljudi, tu je uvijek i bila.
Voljet ću te uvijek,  kakav god fizički budeš bio,... Jer si ti, 

S ljubavlju,

Marguitte Desteresido

                                                                                                             Srijeda, 5.studeni 2014. 12:26PM

nedjelja, 2. studenoga 2014.


Prije nekoliko tisuća godina ovi pametni ljudi nisu samo imali prirodni lijek za gotovo sve bolesti koje bi ih snašle, miješanjem ljekovitog bilja, začina, hrane itd, već su također i pronašli način kako napraviti test trudnoće kod kuće.

Tehnika je vrlo jednostavna. Stavili bi zrna pšenice i ječma u zdjelu, upitna bi se žena u zdjelu pomokrila, pokrila zdjelu krpom i pogledala što se dogodilo slijedeći dan.
Ako su zrna proklijala značilo bi da je trudna, a ako ne, onda nije. Čak su imali teoriju da ovisno o tome koja bi zrna više proklijala mogli bi reći o kojem se spolu djeteta radi. istraživači su još 60-tih godina prošlog stoljeća potvrdili da je ovaj test 70% točan, ne puno manje od modernih testova trudnoće, pogotovo onih jeftinijih. Što se tiče spola djeteta, nisu pronašli povezanost.
Drevni test trudnoće radi na istom principu kao i moderni, primjećivanjem kemijskih promjena koje su prisutne samo u ženi koja je trudna.

subota, 1. studenoga 2014.

"We do not fear the unknown - We fear what we project onto the unknown"

Soul Retrieval

The vibration of the shamanic intention/practice of retrieving and integrating the fragmented self in order to become whole. When a person experiences a life trauma, they dissociate and “split” their consciousness in order to move forward. But the “split selves” (most of which are child selves) remain imprinted in the past. This splitting creates negative imprints within a person’s energy field, most especially in the emotional body. This imprinting affects every aspect of a person’s life. Retrieving and re-integrating these lost aspects of ourselves is a key part of healing, becoming whole and realizing enlightenment. It is one of the highest forms of “spirit medicine” practiced in the shamanic tradition and it is a process often facilitated by plant medicines such as Peyote and Ayahuasca. This vibration is unanimously beneficial for all people. It is especially helpful for those who have PTSD or those who experienced unhappy childhoods.